Here you can find works debunking the Magical Switching Parties Conspiracy Theory, gutting the meta narratives the Left operates on (The "Race" Narrative, The "Nazis" Narrative, and The "Free Markets Bad" Narrative), in addition to learning the EXACT playbook the BlueAnon-DNC media uses (they don't just "lie," they tell very specific lies and in a very specific order; their very modus operandi, reverse-engineered and explained, can be found here).
The works, freely available for download, include:
--->From Martin van Buren to Joe Biden: Debunking the Magical Switching Parties Conspiracy Theory
--->The Big Smear: The DNC Media's "You're a Racist"/"You're a Nazi"/"Free Markets Bad" Narratives Debunked
--->The DNC Media's Playbook, or "Everything We Can't Answer is Racist/Nazis/Alt-Right/Russia/Qanon/Spreads Hate/Incites Violence"
Questions about the overwhelming refutations of the Establishment narratives? Contact: