
The Media’s Playbook (new and improved)

They don’t do news. They run a playbook. Here, you can read the EXACT playbook the BlueAnon-DNC media uses.

They don’t just “lie,” they tell very specific lies and in a very specific order. They don’t just “cherry-pick,” they cherry-pick on very specific subjects and distort quotes to fit very specific narratives. So here it is, their very modus operandi, reverse-engineered and explained, for you to read and understand, before helping expose it more. You will be astounded at how predictive it is. Some will cry “conspiracy theory,” without being able to explain away why this work predicts what they’re going to do before they do it. Actual “conspiracy theories” lack predictive power; the presence of predictive power proves this work is on to something….

The Parties Never Switched! (new and improved)

Why do many Democrats think it’s OK to smear their opponents, silence them, get them fired, and physically assault them?  Why do they think it’s OK to bend the law and corporate policy to enact their objectives?  Because someone has told them that their opponents are literally the philosophical continuation of the lineage of slaveholders and Jim Crow defenders, to whom it is OK to dish out such treatment.  But how did they get that idea?

Meet The Magical Switching Parties Conspiracy Theory, aka “The Lie That Turned Millennials Liberal.”  The MSPCT helped Democrats pretend that their rivals now bore the guilt of slavery and Jim Crow.  It made the jump from obscure political science journals (mid-70s-late 80s) into being considered “history” in the 1990s, just in time for the Left’s overall pivot from class to race, a pivot all but compelled by how the Soviet Union’s collapse debunked the idea any viable alternative to markets existed.  The idea that the parties “switched” was unknown in history textbooks before the 90s, but became considered “history” in time for millennials to pass through high school and college.

And without voters who believed the parties “switched,” well, let’s just that Democrats crying racism would still be enduring Reagan-opponent-levels of defeat.

Busting Narratives, Saving America: Fighting Back Against THE BIG SMEAR (new and improved)

The Democrats and their pet media rely for the most part on three main Meta-Narratives. True, they have other favorite stories, yet I find when in trouble, they always revert to these, their best tricks, to a degree that much focus on anything else is counterproductive for any liberty-lovers. Put another way, chasing the tentacles of the Kraken is less useful than harpooning its head, so here goes.

Meta-Narrative #1: The “Race” Narrative includes demagogy about slavery, the American Founding, most of US history, and The Magical Switching Parties Conspiracy Theory.  It also involves Socialism’s phony claims of racial virtue, contradicted by its long record of ethnic and racial violence the world over.

Meta-Narrative #2: The “Nazis” Narrative uses false claims that the National Socialists were “right-wing” and likens any effective Republicans to historical Nazis, a charge then reinforced by innuendo-linking these effective Republicans to Neo-Nazis, complete with dire predictions that use of talking points which Democrats can’t rebut will “incite violence” by said miscreants.  This narrative interlocks with practically any push to censor the internet.

Meta-Narrative #3: Last of all, The “Free Markets Bad” Narrative maligns free-market capitalism; replacement plans vary, but all Democrat-aligned factions agree that free people running their own lives must not be tolerated.

Some articles I find interesting

I find some interesting articles and videos from time to time. There’s more chaff than wheat, but when you find a good thing…

1) SCIENTIFIC FACT: Liberals can’t correctly diagnose conservative motivations. Therefore, all their hysterical claims Republicans are causing “harm” because they’re “fascists” and “racists” should be cavalierly dismissed.

—an article for this: https://theindependentwhig.com/haidt-passages/haidt/conservatives-understand-liberals-better-than-liberals-understand-conservatives/
—a video for this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7-7BIYZB-o (Actual Justice Warrior is a good channel, follow him)

2) This seems like a viable strategy and the idea feels so good too.

3) Stop the hysteria about Nazis under every rock and behind every tree!

4) It turns out the steady drumbeat of RACERACERACERACERACE doesn’t pay the bills, and people who want results are turning elsewhere.

5) I like this guy’s channel. Going by the somewhat eccentric name ShortFatOtaku, he gives a nuanced and well-reasoned rebuttal to rubbish–and doesn’t always tell me what I want to hear as he does this!

The Media’s Playbook

They don’t do news. They run a playbook. Here, you can read the EXACT playbook the BlueAnon-DNC media uses.
They don’t just “lie,” they tell very specific lies and in a very specific order. They don’t just “cherry-pick,” they cherry-pick on very specific subjects and distort quotes to fit very specific narratives. So here it is, their very modus operandi, reverse-engineered and explained, for you to read and understand, before helping expose it more.
You will be astounded at how predictive it is. Some will cry “conspiracy theory,” without being able to explain away why this work predicts what they’re going to do before they do it. Actual “conspiracy theories” lack predictive power; the presence of predictive power proves this work is on to something….

Some whimsical works, for my own, and I hope your, amusement

The Left realized their arguments had been beaten after Reagan cleaned their clock in the 80s. He had revived America’s economy, and defeated the USSR. The Left responded, first in the academy, and then in the broader Democratic party, by picking up and using postmodern wordgames to teach the next generation that a free society was oppressive and that this was “obvious” to all who the right “critical consciousness.” And of course, stamping out rival opinions was AKSHUALLY somehow the little guy sticking it to The Man. In the 90s, this was called “political correctness,” and it was laughed out of town. But it’s made a comeback as of late, and now it’s “Woke,” and its wordgames do to a discussion what same-pole magnets do to each other; as having the same polarity makes the magnets not connect to each other, the sleight-of-hand postmodern wordgames make logic not connect to the discussion. How does one deal with that? Ultimately, not with more logic, but with parody.
I realized something. I was hardly alone in this, of course, but it occurred to me that if you take everything they say about “white” people, remove the word “white,” then put in the word “woke,” it all becomes a hilarious description of how the Woke themselves actually operate. (That, and replacing “white people” with “Jews” renders much of woke literature into literal Nazi propaganda). I paired this with another fun concept: “Wokepipo”
Pushers of wokeness on Twitter think it’s so funny to call any white person with a contrary idea “wypipo,” so I just turned it on its head. “Wokepipo” who benefit from “Woke Supremacy” and feel “Woke Fragility” if their “Woke Privilege” is called out, by the oppressed POC (People of Conscience) who need Opinion Diversity, Opinion Equity, and Opinion Inclusion as a matter of fairness, because only systematic discrimination explains why Wokepipo run everything.
So enjoy these more lighthearted divergences from the hefty works elsewhere on this site.

Busting Narratives, Saving America: Fighting Back Against THE BIG SMEAR

The Democrats and their pet media rely for the most part on three main Meta-Narratives. True, they have other favorite stories, yet I find when in trouble, they always revert to these, their best tricks, to a degree that much focus on anything else is counterproductive for any liberty-lovers. Put another way, hasing the tentacles of the Kraken is less useful than harpooning its head, so here goes.
Meta-Narrative #1: The “Race” Narrative includes demagogy about slavery, the American Founding, most of US history, and The Magical Switching Parties Conspiracy Theory.  It also involves Socialism’s phony claims of racial virtue, contradicted by its long record of ethnic and racial violence the world over.
Meta-Narrative #2: The “Nazis” Narrative uses false claims that the National Socialists were “right-wing” and likens any effective Republicans to historical Nazis, a charge then reinforced by innuendo-linking these effective Republicans to Neo-Nazis, complete with dire predictions that use of talking points which Democrats can’t rebut will “incite violence” by said miscreants.  This narrative interlocks with practically any push to censor the internet.
Meta-Narrative #3: Last of all, The “Free Markets Bad” Narrative maligns free-market capitalism; replacement plans vary, but all Democrat-aligned factions agree that free people running their own lives must not be tolerated.